Planners.. Again.

Ever since I've received a planner from a great professor way back in college, I've been hooked on planners! It's not like I've not seen a planner since the last 22 years of my life but the planners I see tend to be huge (like those of a notebook) or if not, bulky. Truthfully speaking, I don't really dig that kind of planners. But then, planners from papelmeroti saves the day! For as low as 20 php, you can have one. But if you're the type that needs a huge space in a planner for a day, I think that this type of planner wouldn't suit you. I guess I like planners which are convenient to bring and in which I can have an overview of activities or reminders for the month.

I bought another kind of planner for my mom which costs 29 php from Papelmeroti.

Look here.


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